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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




The Impact of Economic Policy Uncertainty on Bank Risk-Taking—Based on Regulation Effect Analysis

DOI: 10.12677/BGlo.2024.121005, PP. 39-49

Keywords: 经济政策不确定性,商业银行风险承担,拨备覆盖率,调节效应
Economic Policy Uncertainty
, Risk Taking by Commercial Banks, Provision Coverage Ratio, Moderating Effect

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This article takes the annual equilibrium panel data of 41 commercial banks listed on China’s A-share market from 2012 to 2021 as the research object, and conducts relevant research from two perspectives: active risk-taking and passive risk-taking. In empirical analysis, this article uses a fixed effects model for correlation regression analysis, and the research results show that: Economic policy uncertainty has a certain negative impact on the active risk-taking, passive risk-taking, and comprehensive bankruptcy risk of commercial banks; the increase in provision coverage will suppress the reverse impact of economic policy uncertainty on active risk taking, passive risk taking, and bankruptcy risk of commercial banks.


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