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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Investigation on the Identification of Allergens of Commercially Available Packaged Food in Suzhou Area

DOI: 10.12677/HJFNS.2024.131003, PP. 13-18

Keywords: 包装食品,过敏原标识,调查,苏州地区
Packaged Food
, Allergen Identification, Investigation, Suzhou Area

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为了解苏州市场上包装食品过敏原信息标注情况,根据GB 7718-2011的要求,将配料表以及过敏原信息提示作为标签明示信息,对苏州市场上25批次食品的食品标签进行识别研究,了解目前苏州市售食品过敏原信息标注情况。
In order to understand the labeling of packaged food allergen information in Suzhou market, according to the requirements of GB 7718-2011, the ingredient list and allergen information prompt are taken as label express information, and the food labels of 25 batches of food in Suzhou market are identified and studied to understand the current labeling of food allergen information in Suzhou market.


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