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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Multi-Scale Approach for Gold Targeting in C?te d’Ivoire Paleoproterozoic Rocks

DOI: 10.4236/ojg.2024.142010, PP. 155-176

Keywords: Gold Targeting, Undifferentiated Volcanics, Mineral Occurrences, Lineaments, Côte d’Ivoire

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The aim of this study is to contribute to better targeting of gold prospecting areas using geospatial information. To this end, 3 mining sites were selected for the study. They are: the Sénoufo belt (Barrick Gold mine), the Yaouré complex (Perseus Mining mine) and the South Fetêkro belt (Bonikro, Hiré and Agbaou mines). For this study, a multi-scale approach was carried out at regional, mine and microscopic levels. At the regional scale, a comparative analysis of 1:200,000 scale geological maps revealed that 3 main lithologies are regularly repeated on and around the various mining sites. These are: undifferentiated volcanics, metagranodiorites and metasiltites dominated by meta-arenites. Most of these lithologies are affected by undifferentiated faults generally oriented NE-SW, N-S, ENE-WSW and WNW-ESE. In addition, gold and manganese occurrences are present on all the sites studied. At the mine scale, radarsat-1 images processing indicate that the main mining sites are generally located near or at the intersection of lineaments-oriented NE-SW or N-S on the one hand and E-W or ENE-WSW or WNW-ESE or again NW-SE on the other. These mines are also located at the interface between zones of high and low lineament density. At the microscopic scale, petrographic studies of undifferentiated volcanic samples from the various sites indicate that they consist of andesites, meta-andesites and tuffs.


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