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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



Design  2024 

Design Culture in Pre-Qin Period

DOI: 10.12677/Design.2024.91038, PP. 320-329

Keywords: 设计文化,旧石器,新石器,青铜文化,礼文化
Design Culture
, The Old Stone, The New Stone, The Bronze Culture, The Ritual Culture

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This paper tries to analyze the design and culture in the pre-Qin period with the modern design concept. By means of point and surface, the author explores the representative culture of classics in various periods, and then studies the interaction between culture and design. Through the combination of historical theories, the author focuses on the analysis of the origin of design consciousness in the Paleolithic period, the design culture in the Neolithic pottery culture, the assumption of the Xia culture, the design in the bronze culture of the Shang dynasty and the design in the ritual culture of the Zhou dynasty. The author believes that “design” is a clear goal-oriented structural process in a specific cultural background. In the pre-Qin period, all the rulers or managers showed that they used the guiding consciousness of design to carry out programmed and institutionalized design in the styles and colors of daily necessities, such as uten-sils, costumes and ornaments, so as to consolidate their positions of power. The research thinks that design consciousness and culture exist together, and they promote each other and develop together. Chinese culture is in the same vein. This paper traces its origin and explores the connection between design elements and cultural characteristics, in order to inherit and carry forward Chinese excellent traditional culture and make early preparation for getting rid of the stale and bringing forth the new.


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