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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Harvesting Technologies and Costs for Switchgrass Production

DOI: 10.4236/abb.2024.152008, PP. 112-128

Keywords: Biomass, Baling, Energy Crop, Logistics

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As today’s society searches for renewable energy sources that could be an alternative to fossil fuels, biomass and biofuels provide a promising solution. Switchgrass is one of feedstocks that can be utilized as a renewable energy source. When farming, one of the most important considerations is efficiency. This consists of several factors, including time, fuel use, economic and power efficiencies of equipment. Inefficient field operations could increase harvesting costs and in turn could cause hesitation when a farmer decides to participate in biomass production. This literature review will cover the main elements of biomass and biomass handling relating to determining harvesting efficiency and biomass quality for switchgrass round bales. Specifically, the following sections include past research activities relating to biomass harvesting, biomass bale quality during outdoor storage, logistics models, and data collection methods during biomass harvesting. The objective of this review is to examine status and needs for switchgrass round bale harvesting operations and the expenses that come with it.


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