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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Gravity Fault Subsidence and Beach Ridges Progradation in Quinta-Cassino (RS) Coastal Plain, Brazil

DOI: 10.4236/ojg.2024.142011, PP. 177-195

Keywords: Gravity Tectonics, Normal Faults, Ground Penetrating Radar Survey, Beach-Ridges Progradation

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Ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveys have being applied to investigate very near-surface stratification of sedimentary units in coastal plains and to define their depositional conditions. This paper presents, however, low-frequency GPR survey to investigate fault-related depositional systems at greater depths. The Quinta-Cassino area in the Rio Grande do Sul Coastal Plain (RGSCP, Brazil) shows a wide strandplain that is made off by very long, continuous, and linear geomorphic features (beach ridges). This strandplain extends for ~70 km southward. The beach ridges show low-angle truncations against the Quinta escarpment, and also truncations in the strandplain. The traditional approach points that RGSCP was developed by juxtaposition of four lagoons/barrier systems as consequence of sea level changes; previous model assumes that no deformational episode occurred in RGSCP. The geophysical and geological surveys carried out in this area showed the existence of listric fault controlling the beach ridges in the escarpments and hanging-wall blocks. The radargrams could distinguish Pleistocene basement unit anticlockwise rotation, thickening of beach ridges radarfacies close to listric normal faults, and horst structures. These deformational features indicate that the extensional zone of a large-scale gravity-driven structure controlled the mechanical subsidence, the Holocene sedimentation and its stratigraphic and geomorphic features in the Quinta-Cassino area to build up an asymmetric delta. The results point to a new approach in dealing with RGSCP Holocene evolution.


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