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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Reflection on the Phenomenon of “Cultural Discount” in the Cross-Cultural Transmission of Domestic TV Dramas

DOI: 10.12677/JC.2024.121018, PP. 111-116

Keywords: 电视剧,跨文化传播,文化折扣,《甄嬛传》
TV Drama
, Cross-Cultural Transmission, Cultural Discount, “Empresses in the Palace”

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With the gradual improvement of the production level of Chinese TV dramas, domestically produced TV dramas are gradually gaining a foothold in the overseas market. However, it is worth noting that in the process of cross-cultural transmission, there is often the phenomenon of “cultural discount” for domestic TV dramas. While “Empresses in the Palace” has gained great fame and enduring popularity domestically, it encountered a cold reception after being introduced to Europe and America. This article argues that there are three rea-sons for the occurrence of “cultural discount” in the cross-cultural transmission of domestic TV dramas. Firstly, the “fragmentation” of information dissemination in domestic TV dramas, where “everything is media” squeezes the traditional mainstream media’s “channel dominance”, making it difficult to ensure the “information reach” of domestic TV dramas. Secondly, the differences in language and culture between China and foreign countries lead to “information decoding” deviations in the cross-cultural transmission of domestic TV dramas. Thirdly, cultural communication has been in a situation of “Western dominance and Eastern weakness”, and the lack of discourse power in China results in the difficulty of achieving cultural identity for domestic TV dramas overseas. To reduce or eliminate the “cultural discount” in the cross-cultural transmission of domestic TV dramas, efforts should be made in three aspects: Integrating social media, short video platforms, and other communication channels to create a matrix for the promotion and dissemination of domestic TV dramas; constructing a systematic foreign translation discourse system for domestic TV dramas; accelerating the modernization transformation of domestic TV dramas, enhancing cultural confidence, conducting in-depth research on target audiences, adapting to international production and broad-casting models, and strengthening international cooperation.


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