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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Effects of Papyrus Plants (Cyperus papyrus) on the Physicochemical Parameters and Nutrient Levels of Water and Sediments in Yala Swamp Wetland in Western Kenya

DOI: 10.4236/jbpc.2024.151001, PP. 1-23

Keywords: Adsorbing Contaminants, Phytoremediation, Conservation, Cyperus papyrus

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Yala swamp wetland is the largest fresh water wetland ecosystem in Kenya supporting a broad biodiversity. It comprises of River Yala, the Yala swamp, Lakes Kanyaboli, Namboyo and Sare, and a portion of Lake Victoria neighboring the swamp. Approximately 2300 ha of land have been reclaimed and has been used for large-scale agriculture resulting in mass destruction of papyrus to create room for framing. Papyrus are known to be important in phytoremediation but despite this role information is limited, lacks supportive evidence and the empirical aspect on the levels of these pollutants in relation to the papyrus biomass is limited. The study is aimed at determining the effects of Cyperus papyrus on the water and sediment quality in Yala Swamp wetland. Six sampling sites were purposefully selected to monitor the variations of the physicochemical parameters (temperature, dissolved oxygen: DO, pH, biological oxygen demand: BOD, total suspended solids: TSS, turbidity, electrical conductivity: EC and total dissolved solids: TSS) and the levels selected nutrients (phosphorus and nitrates) in water and sediments as River Yala flows through Dominion Farms, Lake Sare which surrounded by Cyperus papyrus and finally into Lake Victoria. The samples were collected in triplicates during the wet and dry seasons (May and September 2015 respectively). The physicochemical parameters were measured in situ using a Hydrolab muiltimeter while the nutrients were analyzed using UV/Vis spectroscopy. Statistical analysis was done using SAS V9.0 software. The mean temperature was 26.19C ± 0.71C, DO: 3.72 ± 1.02 Mg/l, BOD: 3.9 ± 0.32 Mg/l, pH: 7.52 ± 0.17, TDS: 109 ± 86.33, EC: 173.26 ± 13.8 μS/cm, TSS: 12.42 ± 18.51 Mg/l and Turbidity: 12.29 ± 10.03 NTU. The values varied significantly at P < 0.05 among all the sites. The results show that papyrus is useful in maintaining the required levels of physicochemical parameters.


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