E-Commerce Letters 2024
In recent years, with the rapid growth of China’s production and sales of pure electric vehicles, the sales service quality has attracted more and more attention and discussion from society. Based on the online evaluation data of sales service quality of domestic pure electric vehicles, this paper uses text mining technology and questionnaire survey methods to construct an evaluation system for sales service quality of domestic pure electric vehicles. Empirical research is conducted on the sales service quality of BYD from two dimensions: Year and region. The results show that there are significant differences in the service quality levels of service processes, maintenance and repair services, and parts replacement services in different regions. In terms of the year dimension, the sales service quality level of BYD shows a fluctuating upward trend over time, and charging services, maintenance and repair services, and parts replacement services are key service categories that affect the decrease in sales service quality scores; maintenance and repair services, service processes, and after-sales promises are key service categories that affect the increase of sales service quality scores.
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