In recent years, due to the instability of market economy and the rapid development of Internet in-formation technology, most public institutions are facing a more complex and changeable economic environment, at the same time, the “14th five-year” plan also stressed the need for public institutions to strengthen budget and performance management, improve the efficiency of financial work, standardize budget management, and build an integrated budget management system. For financial budget, the introduction of information technology and the implementation of an integrated budget management system can effectively improve the efficiency of financial work and reduce the waste of funds. However, from the present point of view, there are still many deficiencies in the implementation of integrated budget management system process in public institutions. Therefore, in order to solve these problems and better implement integrated management, this paper analyzes and discusses the related concepts of integrated budget management, summarizes the difficulties faced by public institutions in the implementation of integrated budget management, and proposes the pertinence solution strategies.
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