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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Association of Squatting Activities of Pregnant Women during the Antenatal Period and Labor Outcomes

DOI: 10.4236/ojog.2024.142026, PP. 278-294

Keywords: Antenatal Squatting, Labor Outcomes

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Aim: To investigate impact of antenatal squatting activities on labour outcomes. Methods: All eligible primigravida women, with singleton cephalic fetuses, who presented to ward 18 of Colombo South Teaching Hospital, Sri Lanka, during the period 1st of February to 28th of May 2017 were invited into the study. Those who were already in active stage of labor (at least more than two moderate contractions per 10 minutes) on admission were excluded. Demographic data such as age, ethnicity, religion, educational level, occupation, latrine type in use, and booking Body mass index (BMI) were collected via an interviewer administered questionnaire. Data related to labor (modified Bishop score at onset of active labor, labor augmentation, pain relief, labor duration, mode of delivery, episiotomy or tears) and neonatal outcome (birth weight, APGAR score at 1, 5, 10 minutes) were collected from delivery notes. A pre tested interviewer administered questionnaire was used to obtain data regarding routine squatting activities during the previous 6 months. Pain visual analogue scale was used on day after delivery to assess the degree of labour pain. Duration of each squatting activity per day and number of days engaged with the activity per week; were used to calculate total squatting hours per week. In the absence of an accepted threshold for adequate squatting, we employed the sample mean as an operational data-driven threshold to define “more” against “less” squatting activities. Women who did not have squatting activities were considered as the controls. We used chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests to compare characteristics and outcomes between those engaging in more and less levels of squatting activity. We fitted a series of logistic regression models with each dichotomized outcome as the dependent variable, more/less squatting activity as the main independent variable of interest, and age, gestation period, BMI and patient’s occupation as covariates. The resulting adjusted odds ratios (AOR) and their 95% confidence intervals (CI) and statistical significance (p < 0.05) were used to draw conclusions of adjusted associations. Results: We recruited 430 women into this study. Overall, 68% of the women were of 20 - 30 years old, 47% had normal body mass index and 65% were


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