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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Research on the Importance of Regional Industrial Chain Investment Attraction in Regional Economic Development

DOI: 10.12677/SD.2024.142040, PP. 314-319

Keywords: 产业链招商,经济发展,产业集群,核心竞争力,聚集
Industrial Chain Investment Attraction
, Economic Development, Industrial Cluster, Core Competitiveness, Aggregation

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At present, the economic development of a region mainly depends on investment attraction, and the industrial chain investment attraction will also become the top priority of investment attraction. Key industrial fields and weak links play an important role in the industrial chain investment attraction. Therefore, we should guide the upstream and downstream chain development and cluster development of the industry, and strive to create a large pattern of “all-department investment attraction, all-staff investment attraction, global investment attraction and all-time investment attraction”, carry out chain group precision investment attraction, further promote investment, project and development, create advantageous industrial clusters with high agglomeration degree and strong competitiveness, and build a modern industrial system. This study starts with the connotation of regional industrial chain investment attraction and regional economic development, analyzes the importance of regional industrial chain investment attraction in regional economic development, and puts forward the path of optimizing regional industrial chain investment attraction, to provide solid project support for accelerating the realization of the grand goal of “three efforts to complete” and “three steps in the forefront”, and also provide main support for regional economic development.


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