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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




State Audit, Internal Control and Management Ability of Central Enterprises

DOI: 10.12677/FIA.2024.131013, PP. 86-100

Keywords: 国家审计,内部控制,管理层能力
State Audit
, Internal Control, Management Ability

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本文基于审计署发布的中央企业财务收支审计结果,选择2007~2018年央企控股的上市公司作为本文的研究对象,采用PSM-DID模型探究国家审计与内部控制对于央企管理层能力的作用,以及两者对管理层能力的作用是否具有协同治理效应。研究发现:1) 国家审计、内部控制均对央企管理层能力具有正向作用;2) 国家审计与内部控制在治理央企管理层、提高管理层能力方面呈现替代效应。
Based on the audit results of the financial income and expenditure of central enterprises released by the Audit Commission, this paper selects the listed companies held by central enterprises from 2007 to 2018 as the research object of this paper, and adopts the PSM-DID model to explore the roles of state audit and internal control on the management ability of central enterprises, and whether the roles of both of them have synergistic governance effects on the management ability. The study finds that: 1) State audit and internal control both have positive effects on the management ability of central enterprises; 2) State audit and internal control present a substitution effect in governing the management of central enterprises and improving the role of management ability.


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