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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Existence of a H?lder Continuous Extension on Embedded Balls of the 3-Torus for the Periodic Navier Stokes Equations

DOI: 10.4236/apm.2024.142006, PP. 118-138

Keywords: Navier-Stokes, PNS, 3-Torus, Periodic, Ball, Sphere, Hölder, Continuous, Riemann-Surface, Uniqueness

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This article gives a general model using specific periodic special functions, which is degenerate elliptic Weierstrass P functions whose presence in the governing equations through the forcing terms simplify the periodic Navier Stokes equations (PNS) at the centers of cells of the 3-Torus. Satisfying a divergence-free vector field and periodic boundary conditions respectively with a general spatio-temporal forcing term which is smooth and spatially periodic, the existence of solutions which have finite time singularities can occur starting with the first derivative and higher with respect to time. The existence of a subspace of the solution space where v3 is continuous and {C, y1, y12}, is linearly independent in the additive argument of the solution in terms of the Lambert W function, (y12=y2, C∈R) together with the condition v2=-2y1v1. On this subspace, the Biot Savart Law holds exactly [see Section 2 (Equation (13))]. Also on this subspace, an expression X (part of PNS equations) vanishes which contains all the expressions in derivatives of v1 and v2 and the forcing terms in the plane which are related as \"\" with the cancellation of all such terms in governing PDE. The y3 component forcing term is arbitrarily small in ε ball where Weierstrass P functions touch the center of the ball both for inviscid and viscous cases. As a result, a significant simplification occurs with a v3 only governing PDE resulting. With viscosity present as v changes from zero to the fully viscous case at v =1 the solution for v3 reaches a peak in the third component y3. Consequently, there exists a dipole which is not centered at the center of the cell of the Lattice. Hence since the dipole by definition has an equal in magnitude positive and negative peak in y3, then the dipole Riemann cut-off surface is covered by a closed surface which is the sphere


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