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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Estimation of Additive Logistic Model Based on B-Spline

DOI: 10.12677/PM.2024.142060, PP. 612-623

Keywords: Logistic模型,可加Logistic模型,B样条
Logistic Model
, Additive Logistic Model, B Spline

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Nonparametric model is more flexible and adaptive than parametric model because it does not need to assume the function form in advance, but it has the problem of dimensional disaster. The additive model can effectively overcome this problem, while retaining the advantages of nonparameters. The paper uses B-spline for approximating additive Logistic model, and adopts the maximum likelihood idea to estimate the function, and proves the optimal convergence rate. Mean-while, through numerical simulation and empirical analysis, the performance of the additive Logistic model and the logistic model was compared, and the results showed that the additive logistic model performed better.


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