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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Research on the Causes and Governance Countermeasures of Algorithmic Discrimination in Platform Enterprises

DOI: 10.12677/ECL.2024.131030, PP. 235-247

Keywords: 算法歧视,平台企业,fsQCA,扎根理论
Algorithmic Discrimination
, Platform Enterprises, fsQCA, Grounded Theory

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With the rapid development of platform companies, the market forces and government supervision that regulate algorithmic discrimination on digital platforms have limitations. Driven by interests, companies are prone to losing their autonomy, and current industry self-regulatory rules are im-mature. At the same time, algorithm-related review and accountability mechanisms are imperfect, and government supervision is difficult to be effective due to technical factors. The effective governance of algorithmic discrimination is directly related to whether consumers are treated fairly on the platform and even the stable development of the market economy. This article uses the fuzzy qualitative analysis and comparison method (fsQCA) and combines grounded theory to study the causes and governance strategies of algorithmic discrimination in platform companies. It summarizes six major factors and conducts fsQCA variable analysis. It draws corresponding four combination paths and discusses conclusions and countermeasures.


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