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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Influencer Live Broadcast Decisions of Online Retailer Based on Return Behavior

DOI: 10.12677/ECL.2024.131040, PP. 327-341

Keywords: 消费者退货,线上零售商,网红直播决策,消费者满意率
Consumer Return
, Online Retailer, Influencer Live Streaming Decisions, Consumer Satisfaction Rate

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While online retailers offer products to consumers through traditional e-commerce channels, they can also sell products through online influencer live streaming channels. Influencer live streaming can influence return behavior by showing product details to consumers and using live streaming to influence consumer satisfaction rates. At the same time, the online celebrity live broadcast channel will also have a positive spillover effect on the traditional e-commerce channel. Based on the return behavior of consumers, this paper constructs the decision-making model of online retailers in the traditional e-commerce model and the online celebrity live broadcast mode, and studies the introduction strategy of online retailers’ online celebrity live broadcast through the Stackelberg game model. The study found that when the cost of watching an influencer live stream is low and the cost of returning goods is relatively high, it is more beneficial for online retailers to introduce an influencer live stream. When the cost of watching an influencer’s live broadcast is low and the cost of returning goods is relatively low, online retailers should choose the traditional e-commerce model. When the impact coefficient of the satisfaction rate of watching the online celebrity live broadcast increases, the greater the willingness of online retailers to choose the online celebrity live broadcast mode.


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