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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Fruit Powder of Tetrapleura tetraptera in Local Feed on Some Zootechnical Performances of Juveniles of Clarias gariepinus in Concrete Tank

DOI: 10.4236/ojas.2024.142005, PP. 56-69

Keywords: Tetrapleura tetraptera, Local Feed, Zootechnical Performance, Juvenile of Clarias gariepinus

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This study focused on the supplementation of four-sided spice fruit powder (Tetrapleura tetraptera) on some zootechnical performances of juveniles of Clarias gariepinus and was carried out from February 14 to July 20 at the Massoma Fish Farm of Bojongo Mbeidi located in the Littoral Region, Department of Wouri, Douala IV district. The farm benefits from a climate favorable to aquaculture activity. For this purpose, five (5) treatments were tested including T0+ (imported feed), T0-, T0.3, T0.4, and T0.5 respectively for the treatments with 0% supplemented food; 0.3%; 0.4% and 0.5% of Tetrapleura tetraptera powder. A total of 450 Clarias gariepinus fry with an initial average weight of 7 ± 1.5 g, were distributed in happas of 0.49 m2 each placed in Triplicate in a completely randomized device. Four isoprotein foods with 38% crude protein were formulated to feed these fry at 7% of their biomass per day for 15 days then to their fullness until the end of the experiment. Intermediate fishing was carried out every fortnight. 75 days later, the results recorded show that the highest average survival rate (96.44% ± 3.5%) was recorded with the subjects fed feed supplemented with 0.4%


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