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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Two Cases of Meridian Ring Skin Picking Combined with Traditional Chinese Medicine to Cure Tourette’s Syndrome in Children Were Reported

DOI: 10.12677/MD.2024.141008, PP. 56-63

Keywords: 经络环皮部挑治法,中医中药,抽动症
The Skin Pricking Therapy of Meridian Ring
, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tourette’s Syndrome

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Tourette’s syndrome in children is a muscle tic disorder that occurs in childhood. The incidence rate is relatively high, 1%~7%, and it is more common in preschool and early school children. Males are obviously dominant, and the ratio of males to females is 3:1~4:1. Most of them have benign pro-cesses, but there are also refractory patients. There is no disease name corresponding to Tourette syndrome in the TCM literature, but according to its clinical characteristics, it should belong to the category of “liver wind internal movement”, and this disease is caused by wind, fire, phlegm and dampness, which is the evidence of this deficiency and reality, with wind, fire, phlegm and damp-ness as the standard, the liver, spleen, and kidney as the three organs, and yin deficiency and hyperyang as the main pathogenesis. His condition is complex, often seeing both virtual and real, wind, fire, phlegm and dampness. The meridian ring dermal pick-treatment method was used to treat the meridian ring mainly based on the Yin and Shaoyang meridians, combined with the Taiyin and Yang Ming meridian ring treatment, with the Baihui acupoint as the starting point, and the Fengchi acupoint, Fengfu acupoint, liver acupoint, bile acupoint, spleen acupoint, stomach acupoint, Zusanli acupoint, Fenglong acupoint, Taichong acupoint, Zuqiao Yin acupoint and so on were select-ed for treatment. The upper limbs are mainly taken from Neiguan, Waiguan, Hegu, Shousanli, Quchi, etc., linking the physiological and pathological rings of the meridians, and opening the self-repair system under the control of the gene program-controlled system, so that more material and energy information can be transmitted, so as to deploy and transport the wind, phlegm, turbidity, damp-ness, etc. that cause the disease, and cooperate with the role of internal regulation of traditional Chinese medicine, so as to calm the liver and quench the wind, open the phlegm and open the body, and benefit the qi and spleen. After a course of comprehensive treatment, the symptoms disap-peared and a clinical cure was achieved.


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