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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



Psychology  2024 

Typology of Pregnant Women’s Bonding Emotions towards Their Foetus: A Study of Japanese Women in the First Trimester

DOI: 10.4236/psych.2024.153020, PP. 329-340

Keywords: Maternal-Foetal Bonding1 Disorder, Cluster Analysis, Psychiatric Symptoms

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Background: Maternal emotions towards the foetus are an essential part of maternal-foetal bonding, and predict its quality and quantity. It is necessary to identify a cluster of pregnant women with maternal-foetal bonding difficulty. Objectives: To identify a cluster of pregnant women with maternal-foetal bonding difficulty and describe the character of the cluster. Methods: An online questionnaire survey was conducted to investigate psychological issues among pregnant women at 12-15 weeks’ gestational age. Maternal-foetal bonding emotions, demographic and obstetric variables, attitudes towards the current pregnancy, emesis, adult attachment, depression, fear of childbirth, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, borderline personality traits, substance use, avoiding taking part in childcare, and consideration of pregnancy termination were measured. A two-step cluster analysis was performed to classify participating women according to maternal-foetal bonding subscale scores. Emerging clusters were compared in terms of the variables used in this study. Results: Two clusters emerged, one of which was the Foetal Bonding Disorder Cluster, characterised by significantly lower scores (p < 0.001) in Happiness, Alpha Pride, and Beta Pride, and significantly (p < 0.001) higher scores in Anger, Fear, Sadness, Disgust, Shame, and Guilt. Individuals in this cluster were also


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