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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



Psychology  2024 

Should We Treat? A Reflection on the Limits of Psychotherapy

DOI: 10.4236/psych.2024.153021, PP. 341-363

Keywords: Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Asperger’s Syndrome, Freud, Lacan, Jung, Psychoanalysis, Archetypes

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Background: We discuss our clinical practice in reference to philosophy and the historical background of major figures of psychoanalysis and mythology. We focus our reflection on the complex treatment of individuals with Asperger’s syndrome. The inherent challenges posed by their condition significantly impact their quality of life and interpersonal relationships. Purpose: This paper develops the possibilities and constraints of psychotherapeutic interventions for individuals with Asperger’s syndrome. We critically examine the nuanced concept of “normality” and explore the practical and ethical dimensions of directing therapeutic efforts toward the “normalization” of these patients. Methods: Our exploration begins by scrutinizing the healer concept within both somatic and psychological realms. Subsequently, we present observations on significant figures in psychoanalysis, namely Freud, Jung, and Lacan. Two clinical cases are then detailed to exemplify our perspectives. Results: The illustrated clinical cases underscore that attempts to “heal” individuals with Asperger’s syndrome may prove ineffective or, in certain instances, even iatrogenic. Guiding these individuals on the path to “normality” might elevate stress levels and, paradoxically, diminish their overall quality of life. This can result in a profound and distressing regression. Conclusions: Our experience informs us that these patients cannot be “healed” in the conventional sense of normalized. Therapists must moderate their expectations, embracing and assisting in accepting the diversity inherent in these individuals. Our role is to support them in navigating the intricate compromises necessary to alleviate stress and enhance their overall quality of life.


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