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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Research Progress on the Regulatory Effect of Exosomes on Immune Function in Pulmonary Tuberculosis

DOI: 10.12677/MD.2024.141013, PP. 91-97

Keywords: 外泌体,肺结核
, Pulmonary Tuberculosis

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外泌体是直径为40~200 nm的膜囊泡的一种亚型,由细胞分泌到周围环境中。通过运输蛋白质、脂质、mRNA、miRNA、lncRNA和DNA等来执行维持细胞稳态、清除细胞碎片以及促进细胞间和器官间通讯等重要功能。外泌体可以通过自分泌、旁分泌和内分泌的方式传递其分子信息。近年来,人们越来越有兴趣研究外泌体作为诊断标志物和治疗靶点,因为在许多疾病条件下,这种机制被病理过程失调或劫持。有很多研究表明,miRNA在结核病的发生发展及机制有重要作用,为肺结核的早期诊断及机制研究提供了潜在的可能。此外,外泌体miRNA已被证明可以作为肺结核诊断的标记物。本文将就外泌体对肺结核发生时免疫功能的调节作用展开论述,目的是有助于了解肺结核的发生发展机制,对于早期发现肺结核以及制定科学的诊断方案有一定意义。
Exosomes are a subtype of membrane vesicles with a diameter of 40~200 nm that are secreted by cells into the surrounding environment. By transporting proteins, lipids, mRNA, miRNA, lncRNA, and DNA, it performs important functions such as maintaining cell homeostasis, clearing cell debris, and promoting intercellular and interorgan communication. Exosomes can transmit their molecular information through autocrine, paracrine and endocrine modes. In recent years, there has been in-creasing interest in studying exosomes as diagnostic markers and therapeutic targets because in many disease conditions, this mechanism is malregulated or hijacked by pathological processes. Many studies have shown that miRNA plays an important role in the occurrence, development and mechanism of tuberculosis, providing potential possibilities for the early diagnosis and mechanism research of tuberculosis. In addition, exosomal mirnas have been shown to be useful markers for the diagnosis of tuberculosis. This paper will discuss the regulation of exosomes on the immune function during the occurrence of tuberculosis, with the purpose of helping to understand the oc-currence and development mechanism of tuberculosis, and has certain significance for the early detection of tuberculosis and the formulation of scientific diagnostic programs.


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