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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



Psychology  2024 

Parental Meta-Emotion Philosophy: A Review of the Past Decade of Research

DOI: 10.4236/psych.2024.153022, PP. 364-376

Keywords: Parental Meta-Emotion Philosophy, Emotion Socialization, Child Emotional Competence

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Objectives: Parental meta-emotion philosophy (PMEP) is the concept that parents have thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about their own emotions and their children’s emotions. Since the introduction of this concept in 1996, many research studies have linked PMEP with children’s psychosocial development. In 2012, a literature review was conducted of PMEP research published from 1996-2012 and a theoretical framework based on the findings from the review was proposed. The purpose of this article is to continue the review of PMEP literature by providing an explanation of the theoretical foundations of PMEP and examine the past decade of research and the impact of that research on our understanding of PMEP and child socialization. Methods: The researcher applied a narrative literature review methodology to examine PMEP literature published from 2012-2023. Utilizing the Columbia College online library database, Google Scholar, and Academia, the researcher found a total of 9 empirical articles about PMEP that were published in the last decade. Results: The results of this recent review further validated the theoretical framework presented in 2012, which claims that child emotional competence acts as a mediator between PMEP and child outcomes (child psychosocial adjustment and child peer relationships). Recent studies found that PMEP can act as a moderating variable (or protective factor) between challenging family circumstances (such as family stress or increased maternal symptomatology) and child


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