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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Key Factors to Increase the Role of the Prosecutor’s Stolen Asset Recovery Agency in Indonesia: Opportunities and Challenges

DOI: 10.4236/blr.2024.151021, PP. 319-353

Keywords: Corruption, Prosecutor’s Stolen Recovery Agency, Regulations and Legislation, Quality of Good Governance, Quality of Internal Control, Indonesia

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The seriousness of the problem of corruption and the need to combat the bad impacts of corruption and efforts to recover assets resulting from corruption is a very strategic and important issue in various countries in the world, and also in Indonesia. This research aims to explain the key factors in increasing the role of the Prosecutor’s Stolen Asset Recovery Agency in Indonesia as opportunities and challenges. This research method uses a normative juridical approach, and the type of research carried out is a qualitative approach to produce descriptive data. Data collection techniques were carried out through literature studies, and primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials from scientific contributions published in academic databases. The results of this research found that judicial and administrative mechanisms are needed to improve the management of assets resulting from corruption by establishing a stolen asset recovery agency, the Prosecutor’s Stolen Asset Recovery Agency in Indonesia. This body is a legal tool and institution needed to recover the results of corruption by referring to rules and legislation, the quality of governance, and the quality of internal control, including the existence of an independent supervisor as part of the internal control system. Thus, it is hoped that the results of this research can make a positive contribution to increasing the role of the Prosecutor’s Stolen Asset Recovery Agency in Indonesia as a role model for other agencies.


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