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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Re-Densification Effect of Pressure-Injected Peptide-Hyaluronic Acid Combination on Male Androgenic Alopecia

DOI: 10.4236/jcdsa.2024.141003, PP. 29-44

Keywords: Jet Injections, Electronic Pneumatic Injections, Male Androgenic Alopecia, Bioactive Peptides, EnerJet

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Introduction: Mechanism of male androgenic alopecia (MAGA) is complex and leads to an excessive hair shedding and decreased hair density. Oral, topical, and injectable autologous treatments demonstrate ability to stimulate hair re-growth, but the response is suboptimal or plateaus off. Synthetic combination of the peptide complex and hyaluronic acid (P-HA) demonstrated hair regrowth in alopecia patients. Electronically-operated pneumatic injections (EPI) generate micro-trauma in the dermis and under wound-healing conditions may enhance regeneration effect of P-HA. Methods: Subjects seeking improvement of their male pattern hair loss (Hamilton-Norwood type 2-4) received the P-HA treatments through EPI. The course included 4 treatments every two weeks over the 8-week period. In 6 months, the hair growth was assessed comparative to baseline by global clinical photography and digital phototrichograms. The treatment safety and tolerability were documented through the whole study period. Results: Twelve men (30-45 years old) completed the treatment course with high tolerability and without adverse events. Post-treatment assessment of the previously bald areas showed improved coverage on the clinical photographs. The phototrichograms demonstrated statistically significant increase in terminal hair density by 36%, cumulative hair thickness by 37%, and follicular units by 20%; all contributing to a 38% increase in cumulated hair density (all p < 0.05). Conclusion: Electronic pneumatic injections are well tolerated and can be safely used for the needle-free administration of the peptide-hyaluronic acid combination in MAGA therapy. We achieved significant hair re-densification in the balding scalp. The exact role of the EPI-induced impact in the hair re-growth mechanism remains to be ascertained.


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