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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Time Complexity of the Oracle Phase in Grover’s Algorithm

DOI: 10.4236/ajcm.2024.141001, PP. 1-10

Keywords: Quantum Computing, Oracle, Amplitude Amplification, Grover’s Algorithm

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Since Grover’s algorithm was first introduced, it has become a category of quantum algorithms that can be applied to many problems through the exploitation of quantum parallelism. The original application was the unstructured search problems with the time complexity of O(\"\"). In Grover’s algorithm, the key is Oracle and Amplitude Amplification. In this paper, our purpose is to show through examples that, in general, the time complexity of the Oracle Phase is O(N), not O(1). As a result, the time complexity of Grover’s algorithm is O(N), not O(\"\"). As a secondary purpose, we also attempt to restore the time complexity of Grover’s algorithm to its original form, O(\"\"), by introducing an O(1) parallel algorithm for unstructured search without repeated items, which will work for most cases. In the worst-case scenarios where the number of repeated items is O(N), the time complexity of the Oracle Phase is still O(N) even after additional preprocessing.


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