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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Telework, Psychological Contracts and Burnout

DOI: 10.4236/ajibm.2024.143015, PP. 296-311

Keywords: Burnout, Telework, Effort-Reward Model, Psychological Contract, Psychological Game, Information Design

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Telework, which has increased with the lockdown related to the Covid-19 crisis, has resulted in an improvement in the quality of life of employees and an increase in their productivity, but also in burnout cases. This article uses psychological game to study the risk of burnout from the feelings of guilt associated with the improvement of telework conditions, and disappointment and reciprocity associated with the psychological contract and the effort-reward model of Siegrist. It shows that for active women the risk of burnout is increased by a similar psychological contract existing in the family setting. Using an information design approach, it considers the employer intervention to limit the risk of burnout of his employees.


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