As one of the carriers for human
communication and interaction, images are prone to contamination by noise
during transmission and reception, which is often uncontrollable and unknown.
Therefore, how to denoise images contaminated by unknown noise has gradually
become one of the research focuses. In order to achieve blind denoising and
separation to restore images, this paper proposes a method for image processing
based on Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) by integrating multiple filtering
methods for denoising. This method includes Wavelet Filtering, Gaussian
Filtering, Median Filtering, Mean Filtering, Bilateral Filtering, Adaptive
Bandpass Filtering, Non-local Means Filtering and Regularization Denoising
suitable for different types of noise. We can apply this method to denoise
images contaminated by blind noise sources and evaluate the denoising effects
using RMSE. The smaller the RMSE, the better the denoising effect. The optimal
denoising result is selected through comprehensively comparing the RMSE values
of all methods. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method
effectively denoises and restores images contaminated by blind noise sources.
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