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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Morbidity and Mortality during Anaesthesia in Patients with versus without Diabetes: Single-Centre Cohort Study

DOI: 10.4236/ojanes.2024.143007, PP. 93-107

Keywords: Anaesthesia, Diabetes, Morbidity, Mortality, Perioperative

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Background and objective: Classically, diabetic subjects are at high risk of anaesthesia compared with general population. However, some recent publications have shown contrasting and sometimes contrary results. The aim of our study was to evaluate morbidity and mortality during and after anaesthesia in patients with versus without diabetes operated on at Monkole Hospital over the last ten years. Methods: Retrospective cohort study including all patients who underwent all-comers surgery excluding cardiac surgery between 2011 and 2021. Each diabetic patient was matched to 2 non-diabetic controls on age and sex. The evaluation criterion was the frequency of occurrence of at least one perioperative complication and/or death up to day 30. A multivariate analysis using a Cox model was used to determine the factors associated with the occurrence of this morbidity and mortality. The model was adjusted for comorbidities, preoperative hyperglycaemia, ASA score, type of anaesthesia and severity of surgery. Results: A total of 351 diabetic patients (mean age 53.3 ± 14.18 years) and 701 non-diabetic patients (mean age 53.52 ± 14.7 years) were included and analysed. Preoperatively, hyperglycaemia (blood glucose > 180 mg/dl) was observed in 24.3% of diabetic patients compared with 1.6% of non-diabetic patients. The incidence of overall perioperative complications was 25.6% in diabetic patients compared with 28.6% in non-diabetic patients (p = 0.27). The risk factors associated with this morbidity were general anaesthesia with oro-tracheal intubation vs loco-regional anaesthesia (OR = 3.06 [95%CI: 1.91 - 4.94]; p < 0.001) and major vs minor surgery (OR =2.09 [95%CI: 1.19 - 3.69]; p = 0.01). Diabetic status was not identified as an independent risk factor (OR = 1.2 [95%CI: 0.73 - 1.99]; p = 0.148). Mortality was 2.3% in diabetic patients versus 3% in non-diabetic patients (p = 0.226). Conclusion: This study shows that there is not significant increase in perioperative morbidity and mortality in diabetic patients compared with non-diabetic ones of similar severity. These results suggest that diabetes itself (excluding associated comorbidities) has only a minor impact on perioperative morbidity and mortality.


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