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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



Psychology  2024 

The QEg: A Generalized Version of QEPro Ability Measure of Emotional Intelligence

DOI: 10.4236/psych.2024.153024, PP. 393-406

Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Psychometrics, Performance Test, Ability-Based EI Measure

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This article describes the development and validation of QEg, a generalized version of an existing performance-based measure of emotional intelligence (QEPro). While QEPro was designed for a population of French managers and leaders, QEg was designed for the French general population of adults. QEg is an extended version of QEPro from which existing items were extracted and revalidated and other items created in the context of the general population and everyday life. QEg is based on QEPro’s three-dimensional EI model and scoring approach. Our study showed that QEg has good psychometric qualities such as high measurement precision, an appropriate level of difficulty and a clear factorial structure that is similar to QEPro.


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