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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Study on the Influence Mechanism of Homestay Tourist Experience on Behavioral Intention—A Case Study of Yangshuo

DOI: 10.12677/mse.2024.132050, PP. 475-488

Keywords: 民宿旅游,游客体验,行为意向,满意度,SOR理论
Homestay Tourism
, Tourist Experience, Behavioral Intention, Satisfaction, SOR Theory

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本文以阳朔为研究案例地,将国外民宿游客体验量表引入中国情境,将感知价值与游客满意度作为中介变量,基于刺激–机体–响应理论构建了链式中介理论模型。基于309份有效问卷数据,利用多元回归方法检验了民宿游客体验整体及其子维度与游客行为意向的关系。研究发现:1) 民宿游客体验整体及子维度如物理和空间、社交互动、一致性、感知真实性和家的感觉对行为意向均有显著正向影响。2) 社交互动、感知真实性和一致性对感知价值有显著正向影响,民宿游客体验整体及子维度均对满意度有显著正向影响。3) 感知价值、游客满意度在民宿游客体验与行为意向之间起链式中介作用。本研究在理论上丰富了民宿研究的文献知识,扩展了SOR理论的引用范围,在实践中为民宿业的发展提供了依据和对策。
This study focuses on Yangshuo as a research case and adapts the foreign homestay tourist experience scale to the Chinese context. It incorporates perceived value and tourist satisfaction as mediating variables, constructing a chain mediation theory model based on the Stimuli-Organism- Response theory (SOR). Utilizing data from 309 valid questionnaires, this paper employs multiple regression analysis to examine the relationship between overall experience, its sub-dimensions, and tourist behavioral intention. The findings indicate that: 1) Overall and sub-dimensions of homestay tourist experience, such as physical and spatial, social interaction, consistency, perceived authenticity, and feeling of home significantly influence behavioral intention in a positive manner. 2) Social interaction, perceived authenticity, and consistency have a significantly positive impact on perceived value; moreover, both overall and sub-dimensions of homestay tourist experience have a significantly positive impact on tourist satisfaction. 3) Perceived value and tourist satisfaction play a sequential mediating role between homestay tourist experience and behavioral intention. This study enriches theoretically homestay research literature knowledge while expanding the citation scope of SOR theory. In practice, it provides the basis and countermeasures for the development of the homestay industry.


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