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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Designing the Future: A Case Study on Human-AI Co-Innovation

DOI: 10.4236/ce.2024.153028, PP. 474-494

Keywords: Human-Robot Collaboration, AI-Assisted Visual Design, Design Efficiency, Cross-Field Collaboration

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Artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked widespread discussion across various sectors globally while triggering a transformation in the design industry. In recent years, the evolution of AI has started to reshape how people work and live. As such, the human-robot collaboration model is gradually emerging as a pivotal force driving innovation and boosting efficiency. As it rapidly advances, AI technology can process a vast amount of data while performing complex tasks and assisting designers with intricate and creative work. By automating repetitive, low-value tasks using AI technology, designers can focus on activities that require intensive creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence. The present case study examines how human-robot collaboration elicits advantages in creative design. An analysis of the AI-assisted visual design project “ZhuoluFantasie” indicates that complementary human-AI collaboration can enhance design efficiency and assist designers in transcending creative boundaries. Through the process of content planning, text generation, graphics generation, graphics selection, confirmation, and finalization, the 7000 images were ultimately condensed into 27 AI-assisted visual designs. This provides opportunities for cross-field collaboration while introducing new possibilities into the creative design field.


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