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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Exploration of Landscape Optimization Design for Shenzhen Guanlan Country Park with Integrated Natural Education Functions

DOI: 10.12677/wjf.2024.132009, PP. 60-68

Keywords: 自然教育,郊野公园,景观优化设计,可持续发展,深圳
Natural Education
, Country Park, Landscape Optimization Design, Sustainable Development, Shenzhen City

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Taking Guanlan Country Park in Shenzhen as an example, this paper discusses the ways to optimize the landscape design of country parks integrating nature education functions. By analyzing the current situation in the construction of country parks in China, combined with the research on the concept of nature education and bearing facilities, the relevant landscape optimization design measures are proposed, including route planning, facility construction and plant configuration, etc., all of which require appropriate integration of nature education attributes, so as to attract the public, especially children, to be willing to go into nature, realize the psychological construction of loving nature, and reduce the “nature deficiency syndrome” of urban residents. In view of the existing problems in the planning and construction of country parks in large cities in China, it is proposed that the construction of near-natural landscape should provide a good ecological foundation for parks, so that the natural education space can be better displayed. The landscape design of country parks should fully respect and return to the nature of wilderness, enhance cultural connotation, and promote the sustainable development of national nature education.


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