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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Life Origin in the Milky Way Galaxy: I. The Stellar Nucleogenesis of Elements Necessary for the Life Origin

DOI: 10.4236/jhepgc.2024.102040, PP. 647-680

Keywords: Stellar Nucleogenesis, Solar Abundance, Ensemble-Averaged Stellar Reactor, Stellar Abundance, Interstellar Mission, Habitability, DNA-Star

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Chemical elements in space can be synthesized by stellar nuclear reactors. Studying the dynamics of processes occurring in the stars introduces a concept of the ensemble-averaged stellar reactor. For future interstellar missions, the terrestrial and solar abundances were compared with considerable number of stars allocated in the ~200 pc solar neighborhood. According to the value of the effective temperature, four stellar classes are distinguished, for which the correlation coefficients and standard deviation are calculated. The statement about the possibility of transferring heavy elements synthesized by stars over long distances in space has been completely refuted. There is no immutability of the distribution of elements on neighboring stars and in the Solar System. It is shown that chemical elements are mainly synthesized inside each stellar reactor. The theory of the buoyancy of elements is generalized to stars. It has been suggested that stars overheat due to a shift in the parameters of nuclear processes occurring inside stars, which leads to the synthesis of heavy elements.


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