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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Visual Research on the Development Prospect of Global Preventive Medicine Education Based on Social Network Analysis

DOI: 10.12677/sa.2024.132035, PP. 351-359

Keywords: 多元统计,社会网络分析,预防医学教育,可视化
Multivariate Statistics
, Social Network Analysis, Preventive Medicine Education, Visualization

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运用多元统计和社会网络分析的可视化方法,初步阐明预防医学的发展和兴衰趋势,并预测学科未来发展趋势。以(Education OR Student) AND (Preventive Medicine OR Public Health)于PubMed文献库进行文献检索,共纳入文献605篇,使用Bicomb (书目共现系统)建立词篇矩阵和共现矩阵,SPSS25.0进行聚类分析并绘制战略坐标图,使用Ucinet软件绘制可视化网络图谱。图谱显示理论和实践相结合是预防医学教育发展的核心点,联合培养、跨学科交流、PBL、远程教育可以推动预防医学教育发展;将基因组学纳入预防医学研究生教育、文化能力培养成为当前的研究热点。预防医学教育发展较为稳定,如何推进预防医学的跨学科交流、文化能力培养以及各方联合培养是未来预防医学教育领域研究的重点及难点。
Visualization methods using multivariate statistics and social network analysis were used to initially elucidate trends in the development and rise and fall of Preventive Medicine and to predict future trends in the discipline. A total of 605 articles were included in the literature search using (Education OR Student) AND (Preventive Medicine OR Public Health) in the PubMed repository, and the word-article matrix and co-occurrence matrix were established using Bicomb (Bibliographic Co-occurrence System), and cluster analysis was performed and plotted using SPSS 25.0. Strategic Coordinate Plot, and visual network mapping using Ucinet software. The mapping shows that the combination of theory and practice is the core point of the development of preventive medicine education, and joint training, interdisciplinary exchange, PBL, and distance education can promote the development of preventive medicine education; the integration of genomics into preventive medicine graduate education and cultural competence training have become the current research hotspots. The development of preventive medicine education is relatively stable, and how to promote interdisciplinary communication, cultural competence training and joint training of all parties in preventive medicine is the focus and difficulty of future research in the field of preventive medicine education.


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