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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Rural Pension Issues and Path Exploration in the Context of Urbanization

DOI: 10.12677/ar.2024.112049, PP. 339-344

Keywords: 城镇化,农村,养老问题,养老路径
, Rural, Pension Issue, Pension Path

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Urbanization is an important indicator of socialist modernization, and the flow of population from rural to urban areas has accelerated the process of urbanization. However, under the rapid development of urbanization, the problems of hollowing, aging and backwardness in rural development have made the rural pension work in a difficult situation, which is mainly manifested in the shortage of service facilities, insufficient payment ability, lack of spiritual care and strong local feelings. This paper fully considers the impact of urbanization development on rural pension issues, focuses on the particularity of rural pension problems, and does not simply copy the ideas and models of urban pension in rural areas, but explores and innovates the path of rural pension in the context of urbanization, starting from three aspects: developing new ideas for independent pension, establishing and improving the pension service security system, and accelerating the implementation of rural revitalization strategy, so as to promote rural pension out of the predicament, improve the level of old-age care in rural areas.


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