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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Impact of the Introduction of E-Payslips to Civil Servants in Developing Countries Based on the Utaut Model

DOI: 10.4236/jhrss.2024.122012, PP. 227-242

Keywords: E-Pay Slips, Employee Engagement, Performance Expectancy, Behavioral Intention, Facilitating Conditions, Social Influence

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In the realm of modern governance, the adoption of technology stands as a pivotal endeavor to streamline operations, enhance service delivery, and promote efficiency. This study delves into the realm of electronic payslips (e-payslips) adoption within the health sector, focusing its lens on the Livingstone District Health Office in Zambia. Grounded in the theoretical frameworks of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and the Diffusion of Innovation Theory, this research endeavors to unearth the multifaceted factors influencing the embrace of e-payslips and to present an intricate framework that facilitates their increased adoption. Leveraging a rigorous quantitative survey methodology, the study extracts insights from a well-crafted sample comprising 100 respondents—a cross-section of the health workforce. The regression analysis reaffirmed the substantial influence of PE, EE, SI, and FC on BI towards e-pay slip adoption (R Square = 0.912). Each predictor variable exhibited a significant positive relationship with BI (p < 0.001), emphasizing their pivotal roles in shaping behavioral intention towards e-pay slip adoption among health workers. The findings resonate with striking implications, underlining the pivotal role of user perception, tangible benefits, operational simplicity, and external encouragement in steering the adoption trajectory. The proposed framework, a culmination of these empirical discoveries, paints a holistic canvas for action. This canvas embraces tailored awareness initiatives, intuitive user interfaces, influential endorsements, provisions for essential resources, an unwavering support network, seamless integration with existing systems, and adept change management. Each stroke on this canvas harmoniously aligns with the research participants’ voices and resonates with the theoretical underpinnings. As the dawn of digital governance continues to rise, this study is more than a mere exploration, it is a torchbearer illuminating the path toward a technologically empowered healthcare ecosystem. The insights derived from the study not only extend the discourse on e-governance but also offer pragmatic directions to stakeholders, policymakers, and administrators who endeavor to orchestrate a symphony of transformation through e-payslip adoption. In a world of incessant change, this research bridges empirical wisdom with theoretical constructs, paving the way for a more streamlined and efficient healthcare landscape.


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