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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Relationship between Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Soil Water Hydroxide Stable Isotope Composition and Soil Water Storage in the Dry Season in Wanhua Creek Watershed, Cangshan, China

DOI: 10.12677/hjss.2024.122012, PP. 90-105

Keywords: 苍山,氢氧稳定同位素,土壤水贮存量
, Stable Isotope of Hydrogen and Oxygen, Soil Water Storage

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Hydrogen and oxygen stable isotope composition and soil water storage are important means to study the regional soil moisture characteristics, this paper analyzes the data characteristics based on the soil water hydroxide stable isotope data and soil water storage data of Wanhua Creek watershed, so as to explore the spatial distribution pattern on the watershed and the correlation between the soil water storage and the composition of hydroxide stable isotope. The results showed that the δ18O of soil water in the study area ranged from ?15.40‰ to 0.75‰, with a mean value of ?10.45‰; the δD value varied from ?116.11‰ to ?5.95‰, with a mean value of ?80.79‰, and the spatial difference was extremely significant; the intercept and slope of the fitted evapotranspiration line of each layer increased with the depth of the soil layer, and they were all smaller than that of the atmospheric precipitation line, which indicated that the soil water of each layer was subject to strong evaporative fractionation. The intercepts and slopes of the fitted soil evaporation lines increased with soil depth and were smaller than the atmospheric precipitation line, indicating that soil water in all layers was subjected to strong evaporative fractionation and weakened with soil depth. This study is of positive significance to the study of hydrological cycle and the rational allocation and utilization of hydrological resources in Cangshan.


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