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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Subplanes of PG( 2, q 3 ) and the Ruled Varieties V 2 5 of PG( 6,q )

DOI: 10.4236/ojdm.2024.142003, PP. 16-27

Keywords: Finite Geometry, Translation Planes, Spreads, Varieties

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In this note we study subplanes of order q of the projective plane Π=PG( 2, q 3 ) and the ruled varieties V 2 5 of Σ=PG( 6,q ) using the spatial representation of Π in Σ, by fixing a hyperplane Σ with a regular spread of planes. First are shown some configurations of the affine q-subplanes. Then to prove that a variety V 2 5 of Σ represents a non-affine subplane of order q of Π, after having shown basic incidence properties of it, such a variety V 2 5 is constructed by choosing appropriately the two directrix curves in two complementary subspaces of Σ. The result can be translated into further incidence properties of the affine points of V 2 5


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