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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




The Summarize of the Problems and Countermeasures in the Curriculum Establishment and Implementation of Mental Health Education in Primary and Secondary Schools

DOI: 10.12677/ces.2024.124228, PP. 386-395

Keywords: 中小学,心理健康教育课程,课程设置,课程实施,对策
Primary and Secondary Schools
, Mental Health Education Course, Curriculum Establishment, Curriculum Implementation, Countermeasures

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With the rapid development of economy and society, the psychological problems of primary and middle school students are increasing gradually. This request mental health education curriculum establishment and the implementation can become promotes the primary and middle school mental health education the powerful grasp hand. This paper combs the literature about the establishment and implementation of mental health curriculum in primary and middle schools in recent years, it is found that the existing problems in the course of mental health education in primary and middle schools include: the course of Mental Health Education offers confusion and utility, the course content and teaching materials are not systematic, the course teaching lacks psychological background, the teaching staff is few and unprofessional, and the evaluation of the course implementation is vague and weak. According to this, the corresponding countermeasures are given from the government, school, society and family levels in order to promote the effectiveness of psychological education health curriculum in primary and secondary schools.


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