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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Research on the Impact of Intelligent Customer Service on Trust Restoration in Service Recovery—Based on the Perspective of Customer Social Mindfulness Perception

DOI: 10.4236/jssm.2024.172007, PP. 137-167

Keywords: Intelligent Customer Service, Service Recovery, Social Mindfulness, Trust Repair, Human Machine Co-Creation

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With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, intelligent customer service systems based on natural language interaction have become a key factor in improving service quality in many service industries. However, the phenomenon of “high ability and low enthusiasm” in service recovery has become one of the major challenges in the development, design and application deployment of intelligent customer service. From the perspective of customer perception, this study explores the impact of customers’ perception of social mindfulness on the trust restoration mechanism of intelligent customer service in a human-machine co-creation environment based on the control theory and expands the domain of AI service in the time and use phases. In addition, this study explores how changes in customers’ perceptions of social mindfulness of intelligent customer service affect the trust repair process under different levels of time urgency. In the current stage of AI development and application, the findings of this study provide important strategic references for service organizations in constructing design frameworks and formulating recovery strategies for intelligent customer service.


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