The Far North Region of Cameroon is home to a great diversity of bird species, which unfortunately remains very little explored. This work was initiated to establish an inventory of birds and the factors affecting their diversity and distribution for sustainable management in the Kalfou Forest Reserve (KFR) and its periphery. Two methods were used for sampling, linear strip transects from which direct counts and indirect observations were made and the mist netting to complement the first. In total, 2525 birds were observed, including 149 species, belonging to 20 orders and 55 families. Accipitridae had the greatest number of species (11). The species richness was greater in the KFR (117 species) compared to the periphery (95 species). The specific richness was higher in wooded savannah compared to other habitats. Shannon index was significantly higher in the KFR (3.99) compared to that obtained in the periphery (3.80). The value of the Simpson index was higher on the outskirts of the KFR than on the periphery. The indices of species diversity were greater in the wooded savannah compared to other vegetation types. The seasons had no influence on bird diversity. Among the human activities encountered, the pressure indices were more important for grazing (7.3 contacts/km). Human activities have resulted in a significant decrease in specific richness. Six endangered species were encountered, four belonging to the Accipitridae family. The greater bird diversity in the reserve compared to the periphery shows that protected areas are a long-term solution for biodiversity conservation.
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