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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




From Rising to Superpower: Pragmatism and the Community of a Shared Future for Mankind in Chinese Foreign Policy

DOI: 10.4236/ojps.2024.142018, PP. 292-315

Keywords: Pragmatism, Community with a Shared Future for Mankind, Superpower, Win-Win Cooperation

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For almost two decades, China has presented itself as a leading power on the international arena, moving very quickly from an emerging power to a real superpower, ambitioning for the first place by 2049. Perfectly reconciling a pragmatic policy, embodied by the win-win concept, in its relations as well as an idealism carried hand-in-hand by the Community with a shared future for Mankind, China is growing in power without causing collateral damage to the development of other countries. This paper explains this paradox, which is proving to be a success story in its relations, in particular, with developing countries. Early results demonstrate that China uses a different modus operandi and narrative in its overseas intercourses with other states to gain and maintain its global strategic credibility. In no way did conditioning its assistance by any economic or financial reform of the beneficiary states. The use of a correct, respectful, and practical diplomatic grammar, allowed the middle kingdom to attract the sympathy and almost unconditional support of a large part of the International community. The paper also demonstrates that the current Chinese foreign policy is built on the Community with a future shared for Mankind, a philosophy of universal harmony, and a shared future that emphasizes humanity or the promotion of human development, a pacifist and integrative philosophy that contrasts with the Western philosophies of domination, hegemonism, and to some extend predatory.


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