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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




The Role of AI in Cyber Security: Safeguarding Digital Identity

DOI: 10.4236/jis.2024.152015, PP. 245-278

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Attack, Cyber Security, Real-Time Mitigation, Social Media Security, AI-Driven Threat Intelligence

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This article signals the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in information security where its merits, downsides as well as unanticipated negative outcomes are noted. It considers AI based models that can strengthen or undermine infrastructural functions and organize the networks. In addition, the essay delves into AI’s role in Cyber security software development and the need for AI-resilient strategies that could anticipate and thwart AI-created vulnerabilities. The document also touched on the socioeconomic ramifications of the emergence of AI in Cyber security as well. Looking into AI and security literature, the report outlines benefits including made threat detection precision, extended security ops efficiency, and preventive security tasks. At the same time, it emphasizes the positive side of AI, but it also shows potential limitations such as data bias, lack of interpretability, ethical concerns, and security flaws. The work similarly focuses on the characterized of misuse and sophisticated cyberattacks. The research suggests ways to diminish AI-generating maleficence which comprise ethical AI development, robust safety measures and constant audits and updates. With regard to the AI application in Cyber security, there are both pros and cons in terms of socio-economic issues, for example, job displacement, economic growth and the change in the required workforce skills.


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