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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Cyber Deception Using NLP

DOI: 10.4236/jis.2024.152016, PP. 279-297

Keywords: Cyber Deception, Cybersecurity, Natural Language Processing, Text Generation

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Cyber security addresses the protection of information systems in cyberspace. These systems face multiple attacks on a daily basis, with the level of complication getting increasingly challenging. Despite the existence of multiple solutions, attackers are still quite successful at identifying vulnerabilities to exploit. This is why cyber deception is increasingly being used to divert attackers’ attention and, therefore, enhance the security of information systems. To be effective, deception environments need fake data. This is where Natural Language (NLP) Processing comes in. Many cyber security models have used NLP for vulnerability detection in information systems, email classification, fake citation detection, and many others. Although it is used for text generation, existing models seem to be unsuitable for data generation in a deception environment. Our goal is to use text generation in NLP to generate data in the deception context that will be used to build multi-level deception in information systems. Our model consists of three (3) components, including the connection component, the deception component, composed of several states in which an attacker may be, depending on whether he is malicious or not, and the text generation component. The text generation component considers as input the real data of the information system and allows the production of several texts as output, which are usable at different deception levels.


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