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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Determinants of Tobacco Cultivation and the Associated Impacts of Adoption in Hurungwe District, Zimbabwe

DOI: 10.4236/as.2024.154029, PP. 505-531

Keywords: Tobacco Cultivation, Determinants of Adoption, Sustainability Impacts, Economic Livelihood, Stakeholder Perceptions

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Tobacco is an essential cash crop in Zimbabwe and a strategic livelihood option for hundreds of thousands of rural households. However, the crop is linked to negative environmental, economic, and social impacts. The existing studies on tobacco cultivation in Zimbabwe present contradictory findings on the determinants and impacts of adoption, leaving unanswered questions about the crop’s sustainability impact in the country. This article investigates the determinants of smallholder farmers’ decisions to grow tobacco and the associated impacts of adoption. Random and purposive sampling were used to select 273 household surveys, including tobacco and non-tobacco smallholder farmers, and 56 expert interviews to answer the research questions. We employed regression models alongside expert interviews and document analysis to identify the determinants influencing the decision-making process of smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe regarding tobacco cultivation. Additionally, our investigation aimed to elucidate the perceived impacts associated with the adoption of this agricultural practice. The regression analysis indicated that the farmer’s age, education level, farming experience, family size, household income, and perceived high farm profitability are significant drivers of tobacco adoption. We also discovered divergent and convergent perceptions of the critical impacts of tobacco cultivation. The study highlights the need for proactive multi-stakeholder collaboration and sustainable financial arrangements to address the negative impacts of tobacco production. As the primary stakeholder responsible for regulating and promoting agricultural activities, the Zimbabwean government should provide meaningful financial support, increase access to credit, and ensure better market facilities for alternative crops to reduce the over-dependence on tobacco.


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