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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Socio-Demographic and Occupational Aspects of HIV-HBV Co-Infection in Bangui, Central African Republic (CAR): Hospital-Based Cross-Sectional Study

DOI: 10.4236/aid.2024.142023, PP. 310-321

Keywords: People Living with HIV, HIV-HBV Co-Infection, Occupation, Informal Sector

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Objective: HIV-HBV co-infection is a major public health problem that has not been sufficiently explored in the Central African workplace. The aim of this study was to assess the frequency of HIV-HBV co-infection among people who living with HIV (PLHIV) in the infectious and tropical diseases department of the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de lAmitié Sino-Centrafricaine in Bangui. Methods: A retrospective study was carried out from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2021 in the Infectious and Tropical Diseases Department at the Amitié Sino-Centrafricaine University Hospital. It included the files of all PLHIV, which included the results of HBV serology. A standardized form was used to collect socio-demographic and professional data by documentary review. Data was analysed using Epi-Info 7 software. Means, proportions were calculated as well as Chi square witch was significant if p-value was below 0.05. Results: The study included 265 patients, 188 were women (70.1%) and 77 men (29.1%), giving a sex ratio of 0.45. Mean age was 35.8 years, higher in men (40 years) than in women (35.8 years) (p ˂ 0.0001). The age groups 25 to 34 (37.7%) and 35 to 44 (33.6%) were in the majority (71.3%). The majority of PLHIV were unemployed (57.1%), including housewives (43.0%). HBV prevalence was 14.3%, including 7.2% among the unemployed, who account for half of all co-infections. The search for associations between HIV-HBV co-infection and all socio-demographic characteristics (age, sex, marital status) and socio-professional categories showed no significant difference (p ≥ 0.05). Conclusion: PLHIV were predominantly young adults, female, and unemployed; no occupation was significantly associated with co-infection. The vast majority of co-infected people were not covered by the occupational health system (unemployed or informal sector). Urgent action is needed to improve workers’ access to occupational medicine in CAR.


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