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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Difficulties and Countermeasures for the Implementation of Green and Low-Carbon Lifestyle under the Dual-Carbon Goal

DOI: 10.12677/jlce.2024.132011, PP. 119-124

Keywords: 双碳目标,绿色低碳,绿色生活,可持续发展
Dual Carbon Goal
, Green and Low-Carbon, Green Living, Sustainable Development

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The achievement of the dual-carbon goal has a bearing on the sustainable development of the Chinese nation and the building of a community of human destiny, and is a broad and profound economic and social change. A green and low-carbon lifestyle is of great significance to the realization of the dual-carbon goal. At this stage, China is still facing many difficulties in implementing a green and low-carbon lifestyle, such as the lack of a strong concept of green and low-carbon living, the lack of green and low-carbon living habits, the incomplete green and low-carbon living infrastructure, and the lack of green and low-carbon living technological innovation. In this regard, we should strengthen publicity and education to cultivate awareness of green and low-carbon living; optimize incentive mechanisms to enhance the willingness of green and low-carbon living; improve infrastructure construction to optimize the conditions of green and low-carbon living; and strengthen technological innovation to provide support for green and low-carbon living, so as to effectively implement a green and low-carbon lifestyle, promote the realization of the dual-carbon goal, and promote the harmonious coexistence of human beings and nature.


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