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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Analysis of the Economic, Social, and Ecological Water Use Structure in the Baiyang River Basin

DOI: 10.12677/ije.2024.132022, PP. 172-179

Keywords: 流域,经济社会,用水结构,分析
, Economic and Social, Water Structure, Analysis

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白杨河流域地跨上游乌鲁木齐市达坂城区与下游吐鲁番市托克逊县区域,纵贯南北全流域气象干旱风多风大降水稀少蒸发极为强烈,是新疆乃至我国唯一干旱与极端干旱叠加型流域灌区,水资源有效利用及生态环境保护具有十分重要作用。本文遵循严格的水资源总量控制管理目标,汲取流域近年水资源水环境监测研究成果,采用多元规划和社会发展预测模型分析流域经济社会用水关系。结果显示,流域各业用水量递进关系呈现:农业灌溉 > 生态环境 > 工业生产 > 城镇农村 > 畜牧渔业,表明水生态环境对流域经济社会可持续具有特殊地位作用。
The Baiyang River Basin spans the upper reaches of Dabancheng District in Urumqi City and the lower reaches of Toksun County in Turpan City. It runs through the north and south of the entire basin, with dry and windy weather, heavy rainfall, and extremely strong evaporation. It is the only arid and extreme drought overlapping basin irrigation area in Xinjiang and even in China. The effective utilization of water resources and ecological environment protection play a very important role. This article follows the strict goal of total water resource control management, draws on the research results of water resource and water environment monitoring in the basin in recent years, and uses multiple planning and social development prediction models to analyze the economic and social water use relationship in the basin. The results show that the water consumption of various industries in the watershed shows a progressive relationship: agricultural irrigation > ecological environment > industrial production > urban and rural areas > animal husbandry and fishery, indicating that the water ecological environment plays a special role in the sustainable economic and social development of the watershed.


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