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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Study on the Status and Influencing Factors of Behavioral Risk Factors for Chronic Diseases in Hangzhou

DOI: 10.12677/hjfns.2024.132031, PP. 241-249

Keywords: 慢性病,行为危险因素,流行特征,影响因素
Chronic Disease
, Behavioral Risk Factors, Epidemic Characteristics, Influencing Factor

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Objective: To investigate the epidemic characteristics of behavioral risk factors of chronic diseases among residents in Hangzhou. Methods: Based on data on adult behavior risk factors in Hangzhou in 2019, 1056 permanent residents aged 15~69 were selected by multi-stage cluster random sampling method for investigation, the content included basic information and five risk factors of smoking, harmful drinking, insufficient intake of vegetables and fruits, physical inactivity, and overweight/obesity. Results: The order of the five risk factors in adult residents was insufficient fruit and vegetable intake (53.20%), insufficient physical activity (40.29%), overweight or obesity (35.39%), current smoking rate (23.91%) and harmful drinking rate (2.40%). The rates of smoking, drinking, insufficient intake of fruits and vegetables, and obesity or overweight in females were lower than in males; the rates of insufficient intake of vegetables and fruits of residents with high family income were lower than low-income; the rates of smoking and insufficient intake of vegetables and fruits in suburban areas were higher than urban. Conclusion: The prevalence of behavioral risk factors for chronic diseases was high among residents in Hangzhou, and there are differences in population distribution characteristics. Targeted intervention measures should be taken to reduce the prevalence of behavioral risk factors of chronic diseases, and achieve the effect of prevention and control of the occurrence and development of chronic diseases.


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